It has always been wonderful to have Jennifer and Joel visit our home in the past. We enjoy the conversations, meals and being with each other. When the twins came along, they are the bonus. Yes, we are proud card-carrying members of the grandparents society which uses the slogan---love them, spoil them and leave them!

Christmas time takes on a new meaning with the toddlers in our group. While we each enjoy opening our individual gifts, it is quite entertaining to see the development of the twins opening packages and trying out their new toys and clothes.
Their personalities continue to grow and change. More words spoken, especially "Papa G" which really surprises me. I would have thought "Mama Di" would have been easier.
Most exciting is seeing both twins taking their new books, sitting on the floor and beginning to "read" the pages. Quite entertaining.

We cherish these toddlers as they grow and mature. It won't take long before they're providing more entertainment and conversation. We'll love these years forever.
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