Two of our dearest friends in Jackson, MS, are Tom and Joan Mize and their extended family. We have seen our children grow up for babies to college graduates, to getting married.
In 2006, Tom and Joan celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary. They asked if we would travel Alaska with them on a cruise since we had been two prior times. We agreed, not knowing two years later they would move to Juneau, Alaska! I'm jealous!
On Saturday, July 3, 2010, their middle daughter, Tara, and husband-to-be, Jackson, married in Columbus, MS at the famous Hickory Sticks. This home was built in the 1820's and the first President of Mississippi Agriculture and Mechanical College (later changed to Mississippi State University) lived here.

A beautifully kept home located just north of downtown Columbus, MS. Sitting majestically at the top of a hill, on three plus acres of magnolia trees and various other trees. Being shaded and on a hill, the hot, summer day was cooler with a breeze.
Tom had two eventful days prior to the wedding he would just as soon forget. On Thursday before the wedding, one of the shutters on the front of the house fell, hitting him on the bridge of the nose. Nothing broken, just a great, red bruise.
Friday afternoon before the rehearsal and dinner, Tom had piled up a large amount of brush and tree limbs to burn. He covered the wood with gasoline and, like a good boyscout, made his fire trail. As he lit the trail, he remembered he had cleaned the paint off his legs mineral spirits. Yes, the flame flashed and Tom suffered 2nd degree burns on his right leg below the knee.

Pain medication had Tom sleepy and wobbly the day of the wedding. But he was prepared for the big event that afternoon.
Tom now cleans the wound twice a day with soap. His doctor in Juneau, Alaska, complimented Tom on how well he is taking this chore seriously. Hopefully, total healing will occur quickly.
Following the wedding and reception, Jackson and Tara flew on their honeymoon to Quebec, Canada.

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