Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of the year to celebrate live, family and blessings. This year that was especially true since our twin grandchildren celebrated this holiday with us for the first time in their lives.
As one would expect, the twins slept from Memphis to Jackson. So, our duty as grandparents was to get them wired for a later than normal time to go to bed! We were successful in that duty.
Thursday, my son-in-law, Joel, and I made our way to the Bass Pro Shop building. Joel came home with several new items, but my focus was look only, no buying. My new reduce the money going out policy.

After a grand late lunch by Dianne and the girls, several football games watched, and more playing with the grandchildren, Thursday ended.
Friday was more visiting and playing with the grandchildren and taking images of this family of our at one of our parks. The weather was tolerable with sunshine and moderate temperatures. We took images at several locations to give our daughter and son-in-law options. Well, some of those images are not only located with this blog, but on my facebook page and our daughter's blog page!
For once, I have an image with the two grandchildren and I'm not zoned out asleep!

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