You guessed it, both were approved. The October 10th Alabama vs Ole Miss game was scheduled for 2:30pm being televised by ESPN. The Florida vs L.S.U. game was to start at 7:00pm with CBS handling the television coverage. At the time Alabama was #2 in the country, Florida #1 and L.S.U. #4.

I couldn't do both games even if I had a private plane to fly me to both stadiums. Since I hadn't been to an L.S.U. game, the choice was easy - drive to Baton Rouge. From Jackson, MS, to Baton Rouge, is a rather easy drive since it is all interstate driving. But, the fun began once I left the interstate in Baton Rouge to snake my way toward the campus.
Remember me saying earlier that the game kickoff was 7pm? I am exiting the interstate in Baton Rouge at 2pm, but don't find a parking spot for one hour. But, the location I found was within six blocks of the stadium.
My son-in-law had told me earlier this year that it was a must to be positioned to watch the players walk down the street to the stadium, watch the band travel the same path, then stop. When all was quiet, the brass section would start the "Hold That Tiger" theme song. The hair on your arm will stand on end.
I noticed on the street both groups would be using there was a parking "arm" where you had to have a pass to enter. Security was there and I asked if I could stand there to take images for the university. No problem for them. All others had to be behind the barriers next to the curb. I had a front row seat to the activity.
At the appropriate time, here comes the coaching staff and players for L.S.U. dressed in suit and tie, except for one offensive lineman wear a bow tie with his suit. Next enter the L.S.U. Tiger Band. Led by the directors, then the spirit squad, called The Golden Girls, majorettes, then the band.

My son-in-law was right on target. The Tiger Band started "Hold That Tiger" and the hair on my arm and neck moved to attention. Great experience that everyone should enjoy at least one time.
With my photo credentials, I moved with the band the Pete Maravich Assembly Center (Basketball arena) for the band's thirty minute concert for the movers and shakers at L.S.U. I was able to walk behind the scorers table to take images of the band on the basketball court.
Now where was that vendor with the earplugs for sale?
After the "concert", we all exited the assembly center and to the stadium area across the street. Once my camera bag had been searched, for whatever that shouldn't enter the stadium, it's a short walk to the field.
To say the crowd was "juiced" for this game, is a total understatement! A record crowd, ready to see two of the top four teams play college football SEC style.
L.S.U.'s team enters the playing field from the north end zone and the visitor's from the south end zone. Both teams came out for warm ups and there's Tim Tebow suited up and warming up with the Florida Gators.
Here's one event that CBS didn't get coverage. L.S.U.'s team is leaving the field after circling up arm-in-arm and doing their "chant". As they leave the field, they notice that the Florida team has positioned themselves at mid-field over "Mike the Tiger" mascot that is painted on the field.
L.S.U.'s players begin to rush the 50-yard line for a "meeting". Coaches and officials separate the players and determine both teams should next exit the field to their locker rooms.
L.S.U.'s team enters the field first to play the game. The band is playing whatever, and now fireworks are going off in the south end zone where I'm positioned. Now where is that coke/water vendor with the ear plugs again?
I had positioned myself where the Florida Gators would enter the field to see about Tim Tebow. (This was his first game since the concussion.) The second string quarterback came out leading the team with Tebow at the very back.
Florida won the toss and chose to receive the kickoff. In the huddle before the kickoff was the second string quarterback for Florida. Tebow is on the sidelines. Interesting, made you believe Tebow would not be playing tonight.
Following the kickoff, Tebow's in the huddle with the offense and ready to start the game. Probably a little cat and mouse with the L.S.U. coaches as to who would start at quarterback.

The game was close for most of the game, but when Tebow completed the only touchdown in the game, I was once again right where the action took place. The Gator receiver caught the pass on the five yard line approximately 10 feet from where I was positioned! He scores and I'm caught on CBS television. Our friends watching the game back in Jackson thought they saw me, backed up their tevo unit, and there I was! Of course, since we don't own a tevo unit, Dianne and the girls didn't catch me on the sidelines wearing a yellow shirt, blending with everyone else!
Following the game was the drive back home, getting in bed at 2am. But, I could now saw I have been on the sidelines of an L.S.U. game with #1 playing #4 in the country and experienced the history of L.S.U. style SEC football.

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