Driving from Memphis, TN, and Jackson, MS, we converged at the new second home of Kitty (Dianne's sister) and Gene Wasemiller at Lake Granbury, TX. Sitting adjacent to the tenth hole of one of two golf courses, the location was outstanding. A family-friendly home was our base for two days and three nights.
Kitty and Gene brought Robert and Ruth from Abilene, TX, for the grand introductions of Sterling and Mary Presley. Stuart (Dianne's brother) and family made it to the house later Saturday afternoon from Grapevine, TX. The grand children didn't disappoint anyone.

Kitty and Gene's house is in a gated community called Pecan Plantation. For obvious reasons you gaze at hundreds of planned, planted pecan trees in great rows. The surprise of the trip was the number of deer that frolic in the area. Since there isn't any hunting allowed in the community, the deer are not afraid of humans, nor the strange sized steel vehicles they drive! You'll see groups or individual deer any time of day to early evening.

Sunday following lunch we visited in Ft. Worth with my side of the family. Once again, Sterling and Mary Presley made great impressions in meeting other family members. That evening Dianne and I ate in the downtown area of Lake Granbury and enjoyed the country drive back to the house.
Monday was traveling day back to Memphis and Jackson. I had several images of Ft. Worth I needed to include with the high school class reunion images (more on that subject in a future blog).
Monday was traveling day back to Memphis and Jackson. I had several images of Ft. Worth I needed to include with the high school class reunion images (more on that subject in a future blog).
As Dianne and drew close to Jackson, MS, she remarked, "I miss seeing the deer." I don't know how I can correct that situation!
Two words come to mind about this trip---Mission Accomplished!
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